Creative Specifications

Email Campaign Specifications

Email Campaign Specifications

Technical Specifications and requirements:

Creative Specs: 400 to 600 pixel HTML File – 60K File Max (see Best Practice – HTML email design below)

Text Version: Text Version of creative, or a link to hosted web page where message appears (this is for people who cannot open HTML emails)

Image Version: All images can be in gif, animated gif.

Campaign timings: iCumulus requires 3 working days from receiving the creative, as per the specs above, to perform testing and data matching prior to the defined campaign request date/times.

Campaign Details
Client: Fill in client name and details
Campaign: Name of the campaign
Permissioned List: Names of the database ie – FDS, GAS , Email Cash or Ripple Direct
Broadcast Schedule: Date of when email is to be sent out
Campaign Dates: Dates of when overall campaign is commencing – although if not relevant leave blank
Time of day requested: The time of day you want the email sent out
Campaign creative test due by:
(iCumulus internal only)
3 days prior to broadcast date
Data to be provided for broadcast:
(iCumulus internal only)
5 days prior to broadcast date


Message Set-up
Privacy policy: Not required – We adhere to Commonwealth Legislation – Privacy Act
Is the message to have personalisation?
(i.e. Dear Mark)
Already set up for “Dear, first name, however you may want something different such as “Dear Mr/Ms last name) if this is the case, please supply details of this in the box below
If NO, what is the required default greeting,
(i.e., Dear Member)


Please indicate links or images to be tracked Please have all tracking embedded in to HTML, if not please supply to us.
Trafficking The trafficking will be done by us, and you will receive the reports on the results of the campaign.


48 hour report will be sent to you showing you delivery rate, open rate and click through rate Yes
Final Report will be sent,
(default is 8 days after broadcast, max. 14 days)


Test and Seed list:
Test email approval required by date:
Test List Internal
Seed List Internal
Test List External
(agency and Client, 1 from each)
If you would like us to test the email to your company first, please supply email addresses below NEW NAMES
Seed List External
INTERNAL USE ONLY: (iC) For iCumulus ad ops team
Database contact:
Phone: Email address: