AI Sales Strategy: 13 Effective Ways Companies are Using AI to Improve Sales

AI Sales Strategy

Sales AI has revolutionized sales processes across various industries, but how does this look in practice, and what impact does it really have?

We asked 13 sales leaders across a variety of industries to share how they’ve integrated AI into their teams and workflow. We’ll take a closer look at how AI affects sales strategies and how it’s driving significant improvements in efficiency, customer engagement, and overall sales performance.

1. Improve playbook adherence and personalization for more effective sales calls

Greg Cullen, Principal Account Executive, Enterprise of Dialpad, shares:

“AI plays an important role for my sales calls, especially during and after every call. Dialpad recently launched Ai Playbooks, which helps keep me on track to ensure that I’m hitting all the key points and asking the right questions during my calls.

during call

Also, instead of having to take notes, I can dedicate my full attention to clients knowing that I’ll get a detailed call summary along with action items to follow-up on. This helps me prepare for subsequent calls and cuts down on my busy work, like writing detailed call notes. I can then use these notes to help tailor my pitch or demo and really help personalize a prospect’s experience. And the results are clear — my calls are more streamlined than ever, helping me get more deals to the finish line.”

2. Increase conversion rates with faster response times

Kacper Rafalski, Team Lead at Netguru, states:

“For us, implementing AI has had a huge impact. Our conversion rates have shot up thanks to faster response times. AI handles potential client research in seconds, sifting through tons of data and giving us quick summaries. This means we can engage with prospects almost immediately, keeping their interest alive.

AI also helps us personalize our offers better. It provides detailed insights into each client, so we can tailor our pitches to match their specific needs and interests. This personalization makes our communication more relevant and engaging, building stronger connections and trust. It also checks our offers before sending them, in terms of finding potential mistakes in numbers and data. It’s not something that ever happened to us, but now, we are reassured that it’s still not the case. Overall, AI has made our sales process smoother and more effective.

With AI taking care of the heavy research, our sales team can focus on building relationships and closing deals. The quick response times and improved personalization have directly boosted our conversion rates and streamlined our sales process. For me, you have to try AI in your sales process—give it a go. The benefits are real and make a big difference.”

3. Enhance your lead scoring process

Gowri Ramkumar, Vice President – Sales and Customer Success at Document 360, explains:

“Implementing AI to enhance sales performance can bring in several impactful strategies. Some of what we envision and leverage are as follows:

Lead Scoring: AI-based lead scoring can be a huge game changer as it considers many crucial information like demographics, behavior patterns, engagement level and so on. Identifying potential prospects in real time without any mundane tasks enables the sales team to invest their energy in the right place.

Efficient spectatorship in sales meetings using AI: We have been testing AI solutions in our sales meetings which include Discovery calls, Demos and so on. It has taken off a huge load from our AE’s as the AI bot is able to observe the conversation and share a summary of the whole discussion, amazingly, it provides the follow up tasks agreed from both ends with the person’s name as well.

Leveraging AI for triggers from prospects: We are actively evaluating tools that help to identify possible triggers and crucial data points from all the conversations. For example: if a prospect had mentioned a competitor name multiple times across his/her conversation with us, was there any feature stressed more and so on.”

4. Use smart segmentation to boost sales efficiency

Laia Quintana, Head of Marketing and Sales at Team Up, shares:

“We’re using Salesforce Einstein for smart customer segmentation and targeting. It looks at customer data to find the best leads and helps us tailor our outreach. This has made our work easier and more focused, letting us concentrate on the best prospects and get better results. It’s really improved how we do things—making us more efficient and effective.

The benefits we’ve seen from using this AI have been great. We’ve boosted customer retention by 30%, keeping our clients coming back. Plus, our average deal size has grown by 15%—showing that our clients trust us more. These changes have really improved our sales performance, driving growth and success for our company.”

Salesforce CTI
Our Salesforce CTI integration allows your sales reps to make calls directly within Salesforce while being able to take advantage of Dialpad Ai without leaving your CRM.

power dialler

5. Tap into predictive analytics to optimize sales structure

Amir Elaguizy, CEO and Co-Founder at Cratejoy, explains:

“We’re using AI to enhance sales management through predictive analytics, which has become a crucial tool not just for improving our sales forecasting but also for providing insights on how to structure our sales teams. For instance, we’ve achieved more accurate sales quotas by considering factors beyond just the sales rep’s performance. This approach allows us to set quotas that are both more ambitious and achievable.

We’ve also optimized our sales territories. Whether we sell by territories or verticals, analytics helps us match sales expertise and resources with the right territories to maximize results. Additionally, predictive analytics plays a significant role in projecting the impact of product changes—be it new products, releases, features, or pricing models. Understanding these impacts beforehand helps us minimize any negative effects on our sales.”

6. Optimizing customer contact timing

Ilija Sekulov, Marketing & SEO at Mailbutler, shares:

“Using AI in our sales process has changed how we work. It analyzes data such as when customers like to shop and what they look at on our site. This helps us figure out the best times to call them, which has made our conversations more successful. We also use AI to create practice sales chats for our team. This lets our reps get better at their pitches by practicing with a computer that gives them tips in real-time.

This training has made our team more confident and better at selling. Plus, it’s great to see how our customer satisfaction scores have gone up because we’re reaching people when they’re most likely to be interested. It feels like we’re not just selling, but connecting with our customers.”

7. Enriching B2B leads with advanced data analysis

Yarden Morgan, Director of Growth at Lusha, explains:

“We’ve developed a B2B lead-enrichment tool using AI to improve our data quality and sales process. This tool analyzes various data sources to fill in missing information, verify existing data, and provide additional insights about potential leads. Our sales team can now approach prospects with more relevant, personalized pitches based on this enriched data.

The AI also helps us identify the best time and method to contact each lead, improving our response rates. This approach is successful because it allows us to provide more value to our clients by delivering higher-quality, more actionable lead data, which directly impacts their sales effectiveness.”

8. Enhancing user experience with intelligent tools

Zoie Zhu, Marketing and SEO Specialist at HitPaw, describes:

We primarily enhance our sales through our independently developed AI tools. First, we use AI customer service, which saves us the cost of manual labor. The AI customer service can respond 24/7 to users from different countries, regardless of time zone differences. Secondly, we sell our self-developed AI video/photo tools, such as HitPaw Video Enhancer and HitPaw Video Converter, which not only improve the user experience but also significantly boost our sales performance.

Since launching our AI tools, we have seen significant tangible benefits in several areas. First, with the use of AI customer service, our complaint resolution rate has increased by over 100%. Secondly, our conversion rate has improved as users are more willing to purchase our products after experiencing the convenience and efficiency brought by our AI tools. Additionally, customer feedback indicates that their work efficiency has significantly improved, the creative process is smoother, and the quality of their finished products has enhanced.”

9. Analyzing lead behavior and engagement

Logan Mallory, VP of Marketing at Motivosity, states:

“We use AI-powered algorithms to analyze lead behavior and engagement. This allows our team to focus on high-potential leads, helping us save time and increase our efficiency. This shift means our salespeople spend more time building relationships and closing deals.

Our AI implementation has driven a 40% increase in lead conversion rates. By using AI to personalize outreach, we’ve seen more meaningful interactions and higher engagement, leading to better conversion outcomes. It’s been exciting to see how tailored communication can make such a difference in closing sales.”

10. Predicting high-value leads with advanced analytics

Christopher Pappas, Founder at eLearning Industry, shares:

“Our AI system analyzes vast amounts of data and prioritizes potential high-value leads for our sales team. This targeted approach has streamlined our efforts, allowing us to focus on prospects with the highest conversion potential. As a result, our conversion rates have soared by 30%, and the time spent on lead qualification has been cut in half.

One striking benefit has been the improvement in our sales forecasting accuracy. With AI-driven insights, we can now predict sales trends with remarkable precision, leading to more informed decision-making and resource allocation. For instance, we observed a 25% increase in forecast accuracy, enabling us to plan our marketing strategies and inventory management better. This strategic advantage has significantly boosted our overall sales performance and efficiency.”

11. Personalizing email marketing efforts

Scott Cohen, CEO at InboxArmy, explains:

“The way we work has completely changed thanks to AI. It used to take us ages to find client information and understand their needs. Now, what took hours is done in seconds. It sifts through piles of data to show us what our clients care about and the problems they’re facing. This lets us craft emails that really connect with them. Since we started using AI, our conversion rates have soared by nearly 20%. Why? Because our emails aren’t generic anymore. Each one addresses a client’s specific pain points directly.

Even though our emails are powered by advanced tech, they feel more personal. Clients notice that we really get their needs and are offering real solutions. This has led to better conversations, more calls scheduled, and stronger relationships. Another win for us has been the drop in our email bounce rates. LLMs help us keep our email lists clean and figure out the best times to send emails. This means more of our emails reach the right inboxes, improving our overall performance.”

12. Shorten the prospect research process

Ryan Feely, Director of Sales at Seamless.AI, states:

“AI is becoming a necessary aspect for sales teams worldwide, and our team is no exception. At its core, AI empowers us with tools that significantly enhance our efficiency and effectiveness. One robust example of integrating AI into our daily operations is through the utilization of ChatGPT. This powerful AI tool serves as a pivotal resource for gathering comprehensive information about prospective companies.

Whether it’s understanding what a company does, identifying its product offerings, discovering its clientele, or unraveling the reasons behind its business strategies, AI simplifies this research process immensely. The impact on our team’s sales performance has been noticeable. Using ChatGPT & Seamless.AI, our Sales Reps (SDRs) can quickly and accurately amass crucial insights without dedicating hours to manual research. This immediate access to pertinent information allows them to craft highly personalized and compelling sales pitches that resonate with potential clients.”


We have our very own DialpadGPT, which powers different AI features throughout Dialpad and is trained specifically on business conversations. This means that features such as call summaries and in-the-moment coaching, will be more accurate and helpful for your sales team.

13. Automate repetitive sales tasks

Gauri Manglik, CEO & Co-founder of Instrumentl, shares:

“By leveraging AI-powered tools like predictive analytics and conversational bots, my team has been able to boost performance and productivity to unprecedented levels. The key has been utilizing AI to automate repetitive administrative tasks, freeing up my salespeople to focus on having more strategic, value-driven conversations with prospects.

For example, one powerful AI tool we use analyzes customer data to identify high-value accounts that are primed for outreach. This enables my team to prioritize our efforts on accounts that are most likely to convert, rather than wasting time cold calling through a list. We’ve seen conversion rates improve dramatically since implementing this targeted outreach approach with AI. Conversational bots act as a first line of contact to qualify leads before passing them to sales reps. This ensures my team’s time is spent only on promising opportunities.”

AI: The New Catalyst for Transforming Sales Processes

Incorporating AI into sales processes is no longer just a trend but a necessity for companies striving to stay competitive. The tangible benefits—ranging from enhanced customer engagement, better sales analytics, and improved lead conversion to optimized team efficiency—are driving businesses across industries to adopt AI-driven strategies.

By automating mundane tasks and providing real-time insights, AI allows sales teams to focus on what truly matters: building meaningful relationships and closing deals. As companies continue to refine their AI implementations, the impact on sales performance and business growth will only grow more profound, positioning AI as a critical component in the future of sales.


This article was written by Dialpad and originally published here.



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