B2B, Blog, Digital Marketing

US B2B ad spend set to pass $30b in 2023, nearly half the dollars will go to digital

The B2B shift to digital ad spend is accelerating more quickly than most could have imagined, according to eMarketer’s US B2B Advertising Forecast ’21. With a surge of dollars now being directed at mobile and display advertising, the move away from traditional B2B marketing as we knew it is now permanent.

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing has changed forever. With traditional ad spending dipping and digital soaring, there are three key tipping points on the near horizon. By 2023, nearly half of the $30.6 billion spent on B2B advertising will be digital, according to eMarketer’s US B2B Advertising Forecast ’21. Additionally, for the first time, more than half of B2B marketers’ digital spend will be focused on phones and tablets versus non-mobile devices (laptops and desktop computers.) And display advertising will surpass search advertising.

Overall, ad spending in the B2B sector fared fairly well during lockdown. It was roughly flat at $22b thanks in part to a second half rally of digital ad spending. This year, total spend is expected to hit $26b. Next year’s tally is pegged at $28.3b and in 2023 spending will surpass $30b.


Flare Netharn

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