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5 Strategies for Managing Unstructured Data

  One of the major challenges today’s companies face is trying to harness unstructured data, digital information that can’t be stored efficiently in relational databases because it doesn’t use pre-set data …


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Intent Data Strategies Provide a Lifeline to CRM

  Intent data is becoming an increasingly important tool among B2B organizations and retail marketers. In fact, 62% of companies now use one or more intent data solutions. Yet, as …


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How AI Is Changing Marketing

  As AI does begin to mimic human intelligence — which is coming — marketers can continue to be freed up to focus on more and more of the job …


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What Is Conversational Marketing? Top Examples + Benefits

  Communication creates communities. When connecting with customers, businesses must remember that communication is dialogue, not monologue. It’s a two-way street that requires input from both parties. And conversational marketing …


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